Commodity 3, the reference site for Commodities & Energy Calendar Swaps and Cash prices.

Dear Prospect,

Thank you for your interest in this unique location quoting DAILY physical cash prices of most commodities and freight rates.

Firstly, let’s make it clear... Commodity3 is not involved in any brokering/trading activity, nor with any production/factory activity. Commodity3 is solely a distributor of commodity cash prices, calculated freight rates, indices and swaps.

Commodity3 gathers physical cash prices from market brokers and traders.

Our methodology is described here

We do not disclose the names of our sources.

We contribute ALL our cash prices at least once per day, commonly twice a day as updates from sources become available.

Our business model is based on full access to the full data website (no split, nor part of it)


Our business model does not offer a full free trial for a limited period of time BUT a temporary access to a selection of 10 pages/chain/instruments.

- To get access to the FREE pages, you will FIRST need to register here:

- This being done, you will receive your password in your mailbox address, if not please check your SPAM directory.

- When registered and logged in, you will have access to 10 pages of your choice, in realtime mode, allowing you to get a good idea of our current production(s)

Extraction of historical data ARE NOT INCLUDED in this FREE TRIAL package.
After your 10 trial pages, you will be defaulted to delayed data / delayed graph after a “max number of pages” warning.


Commodity3 relies exclusively on its customer subscriptions for its revenues.

- The price for full access to all news / pages / chains / instruments / historical graph / historical timeseries extraction is very affordable at 300 € per YEAR.

- Instrument / Graphic / Extraction of historical data ARE INCLUDED in this package.
The minimum duration of a subscription is one year.

- The easiest / fastest way to get the full access rights to the website is to pay via the eCard (Visa or MasterCard). For this you will need to edit your account, then accept the terms and conditions, and submit. Finally, choose your preferred credit card and order.

- A second option is available via your PAYPAL account. Just send 350 US$ to @COMMODITY3SARL address.

- If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, please contact us