ARA World - CIF NWE Ports $

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Market Product Terms Delivery Last Update Last Price Cur/unit Area Instrument
SOFTS ARA - CIF NWE Ports CIF NWE ports JAN/FEB25 10 Jan 25 23:00 341.98 USc/Lb WLD
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SOFTS ARA - Ethiopia Djimmah N°5 CIF NWE ports JAN/FEB25 10 Jan 25 23:00 285.75 Usc/Lb ET
SOFTS ARA - Ethiopia Djimmah N°5 CIF NWE ports MAR/APR25 10 Jan 25 23:00 282.25 Usc/Lb ET
------- ---------------------------------- ------- -=-=-=- 10 Jan 25 23:00 - ------- -----
SOFTS ARA - Kenya washed AB FAQ CIF NWE ports APR/MAY24 10 Jan 25 23:00 288.43 Usc/Lb KE
SOFTS ARA - Kenya washed AB FAQ CIF NWE ports JUN/JUL24 10 Jan 25 23:00 284.12 Usc/Lb KE
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SOFTS ARA - Brazil Santos 2/3 17/18 CIF NWE ports APR/MAY24 10 Jan 25 23:00 237.50 Usc/Lb BR
SOFTS ARA - Brazil Santos 2/3 17/18 CIF NWE ports JUN/JUL24 10 Jan 25 23:00 244.75 Usc/Lb BR
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SOFTS ARA - Mexico Prima Lavado HG CIF NWE ports JAN/FEB25 10 Jan 25 23:00 339.75 Usc/Lb MX
SOFTS ARA - Mexico Prima Lavado HG CIF NWE ports MAR/APR25 10 Jan 25 23:00 330.50 Usc/Lb MX
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SOFTS ARA - Colombia Excelso Epoca CIF NWE ports JAN/FEB25 10 Jan 25 23:00 334.75 Usc/Lb CO
SOFTS ARA - Colombia Excelso Epoca CIF NWE ports MAR/APR25 10 Jan 25 23:00 331.25 Usc/Lb CO
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SOFTS ARA - Costa Rica washed HB CIF NWE ports JAN/FEB25 10 Jan 25 23:00 364.75 Usc/Lb CR
SOFTS ARA - Costa Rica washed HB CIF NWE ports MAR/APR25 10 Jan 25 23:00 361.25 Usc/Lb CR
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SOFTS ARA - Cameroon Washed B CIF NWE ports APR/MAY24 10 Jan 25 23:00 249.00 Usc/Lb CM
SOFTS ARA - Cameroon Washed B CIF NWE ports JUN/JUL24 10 Jan 25 23:00 258.25 Usc/Lb CM
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