TD5 West Africa to USAC - 130kt

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Market Product Terms Delivery Last Update Last Price Cur/unit Area Instrument
FREIGHT TD5 - WAFR > USAC SUEZMAX 130k Indice TCE = N/a 27 Jan 25 23:00 63.00 %WS WAFR
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FREIGHT TD WestAf Bonny Off./Philadelphia 130k Round Trip TCE = 41170 27 Jan 25 23:00 32.50 % WS WAF
FREIGHT TD WestAf Forcados/LOOP 130k Round Trip TCE = 41170 27 Jan 25 23:00 32.50 % WS WAF
FREIGHT TD Bonny Off./Abidjan LOOP 130k Round Trip TCE = 41170 27 Jan 25 23:00 32.50 % WS WAF
FREIGHT TD Sullom Voe/Philadelphia 130k Round Trip TCE = 41170 27 Jan 25 23:00 32.50 % WS NSEA
------- ---------------------------------- ------- -=-=-=- 27 Jan 25 23:00 - ------- -----