FUEL OIL CST 180 in US$/mT
HSFO Fuel Oils CST 180 Europe, Singapore, New York and USG, 1.0% sul.
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last update: 2025-01-11 23:00:02 GMT
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LCO | ARA | NWE | NWE | MED | SGP | SGP | NYH | NYH | NYH | ||||||||||
ICE | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 180 CST FO | 180 CST FO | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 1.0% Fuel Oil | 1% Fuel Oil | ||||||||||
Swap | Fob Barges RDM | Cif Cargo NWE | Fob Cargo RDM | Cif Cargo ITALY | Waterborn Cargo | Waterborn Cargo | Residual Fuel | vs 1% NWE Cargo | vs 3% Gulf Coast | ||||||||||
NYM | $/mT | NYM | $/mT | XFO | $/mT | LCO | $/mT | XFO | $/mT | NYM | $/mT | CS | $/mT | NYF | $/mT | 1%/3% | $/mT | ||
Outright | Cal | Outright | Cal | Outright | Diff | Outright | Crack | Outright | Diff | Outright | Cal | Outright | Crack | Outright | Diff | Outright | Diff | Outright | |
BRN | C3XUH | C3XFI | C3XFS | C31W | C3XEW | C3XUA | C3XMM | C3NYF | C3XVR | ||||||||||
JAN25 | 79.23 | -1.11 | 496.1 | -3.35 | 481.9 | -0.79 | 498.1 | +5.31 | 525.1 | +21.75 | 473.7 | -2.08 | 489.9 | +2.32 | 482.1 | +2.27 | 500.7 | +9.03 | 459.5 |
FEB25 | 76.73 | -0.86 | 491.8 | -3.17 | 477.2 | -0.59 | 493.5 | +5.51 | 522.5 | +21.25 | 467.7 | -1.87 | 485.4 | +1.48 | 473.4 | +2.20 | 497.7 | +8.60 | 448.9 |
MAR25 | 76.09 | -0.67 | 488.4 | -3.00 | 473.6 | -0.39 | 490.1 | +5.71 | 520.3 | +21.00 | 463.1 | -1.63 | 482.3 | +1.22 | 468.4 | +2.10 | 494.8 | +8.25 | 439.9 |
APR25 | 75.61 | -0.54 | 485.2 | -2.93 | 470.0 | -0.27 | 486.9 | +5.84 | 517.7 | +20.75 | 462.0 | -1.42 | 479.6 | +1.00 | 464.5 | +2.05 | 492.0 | +7.92 | 436.0 |
MAY25 | 75.20 | -0.79 | 479.9 | -3.19 | 464.6 | -0.52 | 481.6 | +5.59 | 513.3 | +20.50 | 459.6 | -1.30 | 476.6 | +0.85 | 460.8 | +2.33 | 489.3 | +7.70 | 432.5 |
JUN25 | 74.82 | -0.83 | 476.3 | -3.23 | 461.1 | -0.55 | 478.1 | +5.55 | 510.4 | +20.50 | 456.1 | -5.66 | 445.6 | +0.73 | 457.5 | +2.37 | 486.7 | +7.60 | 429.4 |
JUL25 | 74.43 | -0.97 | 473.1 | -3.36 | 457.9 | -0.69 | 474.8 | +5.41 | 507.0 | +20.50 | 452.7 | -1.31 | 470.9 | +0.65 | 454.3 | +2.51 | 484.2 | +7.67 | 425.8 |
2Q25 | 75.21 | -0.72 | 480.5 | -3.12 | 465.3 | -0.44 | 482.2 | +5.66 | 513.8 | +20.58 | 459.2 | -2.79 | 467.3 | +0.86 | 460.9 | +2.25 | 489.3 | +7.74 | 432.6 |
3Q25 | 74.08 | -1.26 | 468.5 | -3.65 | 453.3 | -0.98 | 470.2 | +5.12 | 502.8 | +20.58 | 446.9 | -1.59 | 466.4 | +0.59 | 451.3 | +2.78 | 481.7 | +7.94 | 421.2 |
4Q25 | 73.06 | -2.05 | 455.9 | -4.41 | 440.9 | -1.77 | 457.7 | +4.33 | 491.2 | +22.25 | 427.8 | -2.47 | 453.3 | +0.44 | 442.9 | +3.48 | 474.5 | +9.02 | 407.2 |
1Q26 | 72.27 | -2.05 | 446.6 | -4.37 | 431.9 | -1.78 | 448.4 | +4.33 | 485.6 | +23.00 | 413.7 | -2.38 | 444.5 | +0.62 | 437.8 | +3.93 | 471.8 | +8.66 | 394.0 |
2Q26 | 71.73 | -1.88 | 443.0 | -4.07 | 429.1 | -1.61 | 444.7 | +4.58 | 483.1 | +23.00 | 412.4 | -2.21 | 440.9 | +0.81 | 434.3 | +3.66 | 467.0 | +8.01 | 391.6 |
2025 | 74.86 | -0.99 | 475.7 | -3.43 | 460.2 | -0.71 | 477.5 | +5.39 | 507.6 | +21.19 | 450.4 | -1.94 | 469.7 | +0.89 | 457.5 | +2.73 | 486.2 | +8.27 | 426.8 |
2026 | 71.34 | -2.26 | 438.6 | -4.29 | 425.7 | -1.89 | 440.9 | +4.21 | 479.2 | +23.00 | 408.4 | -2.44 | 437.4 | +0.83 | 432.6 | +3.65 | 463.6 | +8.25 | 389.2 |
2027 | 69.58 | -4.77 | 411.2 | -4.56 | 412.4 | -4.56 | 412.4 | +3.45 | 463.3 | +23.00 | 389.9 | -4.98 | 409.8 | +0.90 | 419.9 | +4.23 | 439.3 | +7.45 | 373.4 |
2028 | - | -8.33 | 382.6 | -8.06 | 384.3 | -8.06 | 384.3 | - | - | +23.00 | 372.8 | -8.66 | 380.5 | +0.06 | 406.9 | - | - | - | - |
2029 | - | -12.23 | 355.0 | -12.19 | 355.3 | -12.19 | 355.3 | - | - | +23.00 | - | -12.79 | 351.5 | -0.66 | 398.2 | - | - | - | - |
JAN25 |
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MAR25 |
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2Q25 |
3Q25 |
4Q25 |
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2Q26 |
2025 |
2026 |
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